5Bruce and Terri commence the presentation of trophies
6Terri reads out the first award
7Jonathan Willmer, Most Improved
8Dan Crowley - 1st Monochrome Pointscore
9Dan Crowley - 3rd Colour Pointscore
10Robin Pitcher - 2nd Colour Pointscore
11Kim Touzel - 1st Colour Pointscore
12Robin Pitcher - 3rd Overall Pointscore
13Kim Touzel - 2nd Overall Pointscore
14Dan Crowley - 1st Overall Pointscore
15Terri Ford - Winner of the People's Choice Trophy
16Len Brown, the judge, discusses the images
17Jonathan Willmer, winner of the Photo of the Year and Colour Print of the Year, Len Brown with Jono's winner and Bruce Williams, Monochrome Print of the Year