SPC Digital Assessment May 2019

Digital image assessment
May 2019
Set Subject: 'Odd Couples'
Judge: Christa Drysdale
Set Colour Mug and Cup - Barbara Reed - Merit Odd Drinks - Dave MacQuart - Credit Odd Pears - Robin Pitcher - Credit Sleep tight - Matt Kaarma - Credit Table and Chair - Dan Crowley - Credit
Vegemite and What - Bruce Williams - Credit Bubbly on a Beer Budget Different Directions Mates My Odd Sandals Odd Feet
Odd Socks Oddballs They must be friends Times they are a changing Painted and Zebra Finches Must you Bellow
Pink Flamingo Set Monochrome Shore Cousins - Dan Crowley - Credit The Clinical Psychologist and his conversation starter Open Colour Arrival of the Red-capped Plover - Kim Touzel - Merit
Canoe Polo Frenzy - Yvonne Young - Credit Morning Glory - Pauline Kitto - Credit Bird - John Shadlow - Credit Church Devastation Downhill from here
Pied Stilt Red-capped Cardinal Wandering Lamb Road to Nowhere Hydro Majestic The Rocks
White-throated Kingfisher Fruit OPEN MONOCHROME Reflections - Sue Williamson - Merit and Photo of the MOnth Train - John Shadlow - Credit Snow Leopard
End of Winter