SPC November 2022 Digital Assessment Competition

Front page Capture John Harris - All the better to see you with - MERIT, POTM Beryl Hardy
Sue Josephson - 'Crustacean on anemone - CREDIT Robin Pitcher - Sea Urchin Peter Noakes - Busy Bee Barbara Reed - Flowers
Anthony Turner - Agapanthus bud Judi Anderson - Sydney Water History Sue Josephson - Nudibranch 1 - MERIT Lorraine Sladden - Pretty in Pink
Yvonne Young - Waiting for Liftoff Matt Kaarma - Colour Wheel Pauline Kitto - Fuschia - CREDIT Sue Josephson - Nudibranch 2 - CREDIT
Lorraine Sladden - Noisy Friarbird David Macquart - Kenwood Orchid - CREDIT Ian Brown - Lemur Leaf Frog - CREDIT Judi Anderson - Graffiti
Ian Brown - Painted Locust Robin Pitcher - Skeletal Weedy Sea Dragon Pauline Kitto - Dinner all wrapped up Sue Williamson - Maple Seeds
Matt Kaarma - Guitar Strings A and D Peter Noakes - Early morning dew Baryl Hardy - CREDIT Ian Brown - Stick Insect
Yvonne Young - Waratah John Harris - St Andrew's Cross in the Daintree - CREDIT Sue Williamson - Fossil John Harris - Cicada at the table - CREDIT
Pauline Kitto - Hairy Borage John Shadlow - Rose Set Mono Barbara Reed - Paris in Lego
Beryl Hardy - Dragonfly - CREDIT Bruce Williams - Lily - CREDIT Bruce Williams - Wedge - MERIT David Macquart - Down - CREDIT
David Macquart - Lily John Shadlow - Rose-1 Judi Anderson - Succulents Capture-1
Anthony Turner - Headlight Anthony Turner - Nowra Bridge - CREDIT Lois Sparkes - Brunch in the Pilliga - MERIT Lois Sparkes - Diamond Firetail - MERIT
Lois Sparkes - Misty Mountains - CREDIT Matt Kaarma - Glassware Peter Noakes - Pretty Boy Robin Pitcher - Eyes Left! - CREDIT
Robyn  Larson-Shelton - Glossy in the gold Robyn  Larson-Shelton - Gleaming Clearwater - MERIT Yvonne Young - Black Cockatoo Open Monchrome
Bruce Williams - Seacliff Bridge - MERIT Robyn Larson-Sheldon - Unsavoury past - CREDIT Sue Williamson - Bowing to the elements - CREDIT potm
John Harris - All the better to see you with - MERIT, POTM-1